Tuesday, April 17, 2012

CH. 1

This is my ‘short’ story about my journey to the pro’s, or more generally speaking, my Journey (back) To Fitness. I’ve had quite a few people wanting to follow my progress so I promised to record it using this blog. My best friend Danielle (who’s a pro blogger) tried to get me into it a few years ago. I’ve always liked the idea of blogging but it takes a lot of time and maintenance and that just gives me anxiety, hahaha! -That and I never really found anything to blog about (like fashion or politics). But recently, I think I’ve found my niche:) So, forgive me as I navigate my way through this.

I’ve been an athlete my whole life- all the way through college- so by default, I was fit. But once college was over with its mandatory practices and workouts, and life set in with a busy, stressful job and extra-curricular activities…staying fit no longer came easy. I got to experience 4 years of fitness laziness, where I was literally wine-ing and dining multiple times a week, eating whatever I wanted, and I pretty much stopped working out (a few times here and there but less and less frequent as time passed). So, before I knew it, I had packed on 15 lbs. of fat and was buying bigger clothes to fit my new body. I definitely don’t think a number on the scale is most important- we all have different body types and builds- however, on my frame, that 15 lbs. was not something that blended in well. It was 15 lbs. of pure chub. Cellulite on my butt, muffin tops, and a double chin was not a good look for me, lol. In my opinion, it's all about being lean....so everyone's numbers will vary. I just wanted to 'bring sexy back' as Justin Timberlake would say...and I wanted to be at my best. To put it in perspective, my body fat percentage had gone from 14% in college, to 23-25%. FYI, I’m 5’5 and my college weight was around 115ish- and my heaviest was 133ish. My average weight going into this ‘fitness journey’ was 130 lbs.

My Motivation:
Some may be wondering what motivated me to make a change. My motivation came from a few places. First, I had recently gone through a rollercoaster of emotions with someone that left me feeling insecure, defeated, and disempowered. It was a very difficult and complicated situation that was tough for both parties, but nonetheless, the heart ache it brought was motivating. It was the perfect time to use fitness as a way to get my mind off things and move on. Second, I wanted to ‘qualify’ my level of discipline and accomplish something that some may have doubted as possible. When I am underestimated....that is like a powerful injection of motivation straight into my veins. Then of course, nay-sayers, encouragers, and wanting to look good were parts of it as well. BUT, like any great accomplishment one seeks, YOU WIN FROM WITHIN- from the get-go. No one can motivate you but yourself. I had just come to a point where I had to decide how I was going to live my life. Being fit doesn’t get easier with age, and at 28 I had come to a crossroads where I had to decide if I was going to settle for a ‘mom butt’ lol, or stay fit and healthy. The scariest part was the way things were trending. If I had kept the same habits, I do not know what it would have looked like another 4 years down the road. For me, it was now or never. It’s not impossible to look great at 30, 40, and 50- but no doubt, it takes effort and hard work! Everyone must weigh the sacrifice.
What you put into it, is what you get out of it.

My Inspiration:
There are 2 women that greatly inspired me to get fit. First, is a beautiful woman named Alison whose discipline put me to shame. Becoming a single mother at a young age in a very difficult situation, dealing with a psycho ex, and being a full-time student (with a 2 yr. old), are just a few of her challenges. Despite her circumstances, she gets up every morning at 4:30 am to go workout and to train others. Now, it’s one thing to get yourself to the gym everyday- but it’s an entirely different thing to drag yourself out of bed (exhausted), when it’s dark outside, to go to the gym. That’s dedication. That’s discipline. I will also add that she sticks to a very clean and healthy diet. She’s a mom of an adorable little boy and has a 6-pack!! Although she’s a lot younger than me, I look up to her and greatly admire her. Alison, if you’re reading this, thank you for all the tips, encouragement and inspiration you have given me! You are awesome!
The second inspiration of mine is one of my best friends, Alissa. I met Alissa in college but didn’t get close to her until a few years ago. She has been going through a major transformation the past year. A few years ago she was diagnosed with a disease that forced her to start taking medications that are notorious for weight gain. It’s an inevitable side effect but the medications were not an option. She struggled significantly with this and after gaining 90 lbs…..she had had enough. (I mean, can you imagine the emotional and psychological tole that would take on you?!) About a year ago she started a diet plan and set goals for herself. She would be fighting the side effects of the drugs while significantly changing her habits. I could write a book about everything I learned from her and about her over the next year. I was blown away by her mental, physical, and spiritual dedication and resolve she had. She was losing tons of weight and defying the odds. I have not only watched her body change, but I have watched her grow emotionally and have learned so much about her BEAUTIFUL strength. She is one amazing and beautiful woman inside and out and it has been an honor to witness her discover who she is as a woman. Her journey not only inspired and transformed her, but it has positively affected those around her. She has lost 55 lbs and is still working hard towards her goals- just like I am- and it’s been so great to do it with her. Alissa, if you’re reading this, thank you for showing me the way. I am SO thankful God brought us together and I love and respect you more than you know. KEEP IT UP!!

Looking Forward:
Ok, so that’s really it. The past 8 weeks have been spent dieting and working out to prepare for my first competition….which is April 28th. This is a whole new world for me, and although it’s intimidating, I’m really excited! Please check back in 2 weeks to see pics from the show as well as before and after shots and candids from workouts. I will also be posting my diet and workout regimen. So, for now….I must talk myself off a ledge (again) and step AWAY from the CARBS! Lol. THE COUNTDOWN BEGINS!

1 comment:

  1. Love it Linds! You rock...& you so got this upcoming competition!


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