Thursday, October 11, 2012

The 'Skinny' On My Diet

The 80/20 rule. The frustrating reality of your physique. There is no question that diet plays a significant role in your shape and fitness results. 80% of your physique is a result of what you eat and don't eat. All that hard work at the gym accounts for about 20%. Yes, each person is unique and will have a slightly different experience....but in general, the 80/20 rule is true. I have had many people ask me about my diet- which is very restrictive- but it is the catalyst between moderate results and great results. I wouldn't recommend it as a lifestyle (because it's really not maintainable), but it is healthy in general- and extremely effective. If you are not trying to compete in bodybuilding, there are other great ways to lose weight and maintain wellness (i.e. Paleo diet).
In general, it's never fun changing your habits and forcing your body to submit to new 'norms'. But I have learned that maintaining is a little easier, and of course less restrictive. Whatever it is you really want to eat that you can't have on this diet.... will STILL be there when you reach your goal. Ice cream, pizza and beer aren't going I can have them in 12 weeks (this is what I tell myself all the time). And remember, 'Willpower is like a muscle; the more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes!'
My diet is a typical competitors diet- with a few modifications for my specific needs. So without further ado, here ya go!
(To make this easy, I will list the foods I can eat. If it's not on this list, I can't have it.)

Protein: Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts, White Fish (Tilapia, Coba, Cod, etc), Tuna (out of the can or fresh), and Eggs (mostly whites- I eat 1-2 yolks a day for the healthy fats, and around 8 whites). I eat a flank steak or filet about once a month because it's so yummy...but I'm not supposed to have much red meat. When I really need some variety I will cook scallops or eat steamed shrimp/ crab/ lobster. I also drink 2-3 protein shakes per day.

Vegetables: Green Beans, Asparagus, Spinach, Green Peppers, Broccoli

Carbs: Oats (as in quaker oatmeal)- 1/3 cup per day. You can eat the oatmeal hot with splenda and cinnamon, or raw, or mixed with water and protein powder (sounds gross but is actually delicious with my cookies and cream protein powder!). Sweet potatoe- I have never been a fan of these squashy/mushy/orange creations but they are really good for you. You can eat them how I do (baked into 'chips' with a little EVOO and sea salt), or with splenda and cinnamon. Those are the only carbs I can eat...but I usually go carb free 4 weeks out from a show. If you are not competing, brown rice is good for you too. Fruit is considered a carb as well because of the sugars in them...but they are healthy as well.

I can also have around 30 almonds per day. They have protein, good fats, and carbs in them so I try not to eat them 4 weeks out from a show.

You can use very little EVOO to cook your fish or veggies. A certain amount of fat in your diet is actually neccessary to burn fat.

Beverages: Coffee (non-dairy creamer and splenda if needed), Crystal Light, Diet Soda- use sparingly, Tea (with splenda if needed), and lots of water. I am supposed to get atleast a gallon of water in per day. Water is actually the MOST effective fat burner you can ingest. *yes I am in the bathroom all the time!

I eat 5-6 small meals per day- this helps keep your metabolism running. Each meal consists of a protein. I eat around 150 grams of protein per day, 25-30 grams of fat per day, 10 to 40 grams of carbs per day (depending on how close I am to a show), and unlimited green veggies.

*Never let yourself get to a starving point. Always have food or a protein shake with you. When you get hungry and aren't cheat.

*For Cheats: sugar free Jello, sugar free popsicles, sugar free hard candy, and PB2 (not as good as normal peanut butter but wayyy better for you and pretty darn yummy when you're on this diet)

Well, that's it. As you can see- no sugar, very low carbs, NO DAIRY at all, and no alcohol. I also take supplements to make sure I'm getting vitamins and nutrients that I'm not getting from my diet. A good fat burner is good too- just be careful what you take. Also keep in mind that when you see pics from bodybuilding shows...the competitors have all done a water cut. My water cut is the week leading up to a show. It is the worst, but it depletes your body of water and gives you the super cut/ hard look. I don't know any competitors that actually walk around in normal life looking stage ready.

Below are some pictures to show you how I do this craziness :)

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