Monday, October 15, 2012

Total Wellness: Mind, Body, SPIRIT

My competition prep is a great time to not only improve my physical fitness...but my spiritual fitness. It's a great way to help keep my mind focused on the right things, and since the 3 month process can be so challenging emotionally and physically- I especially need daily time with God. When I began my journey to fitness, the Lord began working in my heart and preparing me for the future (whatever that entails). As many of you know, my faith is really important to me. Without a relationship with God and a sense of true purpose....not much else matters. When I am in competition mode- it's very easy to become obsessed with diet/ gym time/ and physique. I don't want to lose perspective and forget what really matters to me....and I don't want to lose sight of the bigger picture of life. I believe that God gives all of us different talents, abilities, gifts, and opportunities. I see fitness as a God given opportunity to achieve great things. I feel like I am just taking something amazing that God created (the human body) and maximizing it's fullest potential. In any area of my life, I don't want to be guilty of  squandering any gift or ability God has blessed me with. All things to HIS glory.
A big theme that has dominated my journey to fitness is PURPOSE. I know God can give purpose to anything....and I want my life to be purpose driven. So, I decided to go through the book The Purpose Driven Life for the 40 days leading up to Nationals. I have LOVED every chapter and could quote so many good nuggets. If you've never read should. It's a New York Times Bestseller and is widely popular with diverse audiences. I have really enjoyed it so far- and I look forward to sharing what I'm learning!

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