Monday, October 22, 2012

2012 NPC Monster Mash

This past weekend I competed at the NPC Monster Mash in Harrison, OH (near Cincinnati). This was really a practice show for Erin and I as we get ready to compete at Nationals in 3 weeks. I had a great time at this was pretty organized and the stage was decorated for Halloween which was fun. Although competition days are lonnnng, they have an addicting energy to them, and you finally get to eat some yummy things and meet lots of interesting people!
The bikini division drew a good amount of girls and they had 3 height classes. 'A class' was 5'5 and below and had 14 girls in it- 'B class' was 5'5 to 5'7 and had 6 girls in it, and 'C class' was over 5'7 with 5 girls. I was in the A class. The way they broke up the height classes was odd- as you can see, there were a lot of girls in my class...and not very many in the other 2 classes. I won 1st place for my class and then had to compete again for the overall winner (1st from A class, 1st from B class and 1st from C class). The girl who won the overall was gorgeous! She was 5'9ish - without heals, is 22 years old, and is actually from Columbus. She had the best abs I've seen on a bikini competitor....something for me to work towards!! I need to work on my abs for Nationals (amongst other things), but I was very happy with the way I looked Saturday. Although I would have liked to win overall (my competitive nature:)...I was pleased with how the day went. There will always be conflicting opinions on who should win, but at the end of the day it really depends on what the judges are looking for. There are certain objective guidelines...but when you get to the Pro can literally come down to splitting hairs to pick a winner. I am only 9 weeks into my I think these next 3 weeks will be important for me. Below are some pics!

My body fat % Friday before the competition. The hand held devices aren't real accurate but I have been using the same one over the past few weeks and my body fat % continues to go down which is a good sign.
My carb-up food for Saturday...didn't eat all of it (but lots of it!)
This woman is in her late 40's and totally jacked! She's from Columbus too.
Some fun Kentucky girls with a southern twang!
This lady has 7 kids!!! Yes, she has birthed all of them!
This was the top 3. Competing for overall winner. The girl on the far left won.

YAY!! We both placed 1st in our class:)

Dipping all kinds of candy into peanut butter. We were binge eating at like 2 am....knowing our freedom was almost over!
This was at 6 am the morning of the competition. Then................
THIS was right before bed after a full day of carbing up and then having a cheat meal and 3 beers! Ahahaha. Tummy ache to follow......
With my trainer, Jeff. Thanks for coming out to support me!

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