Saturday, December 22, 2012

Checking In

Hello friends! 
Ok, I have been so LAZY the past month with my blog. I really have a lot to share about Nationals (it was such a great experience), my photoshoot with Jeff Evans, and the post competition depression that I have been experiencing. There is so much build up, excitement and hard work that leads up to competition time.....and then when it's over.... I kind of experience a mini depression or slump. I'm not sure how many other competitors experience this, but I definitely do. I also struggle big time with my off season routine. I struggle to maintain a certain weight, to be in the gym 5 days a week, and I struggle with my diet. I eat so clean and repetitively for 3 months, that I go a little crazy with my 'freedom'. I made such a major change in my habits  (almost a year ago) when I decided to get fit and start competing that I still struggle to maintain consistency, balance, and the principle of a lifestyle- rather than spurts of discipline.
Anyways, just a few thoughts..... I promise to do some blogging during my time off around Christmas! I hope you all have a safe and beautiful Christmas. Appreciate your many blessings, your family, your health, and your time off! Most importantly, don't forget the miracle of Christmas- the birth of our Saviour, Jesus. 
Much love!

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