Friday, November 2, 2012

Over the Hump

2 days after my whiny blog post, this happened:)

FINALLY got over the hump and lost those 3 darn pounds! Still hoping to drop 2 more by stage time...but hoping the water cut will help that. Also, the morning after I wrote my last blog post, ironically, I got my period. So, atleast I now know the reason for my mental and emotional rollercoaster of a week and insatiable appetite. Guys have it so easy...
Water cut starts tomorrow- by upping my water. I also go to distilled water. Distilled water has been stripped of all minerals, etc. so the water cut works better for me (minerals, vitamins, sodium, and other things hold/retain water).
I've thought a lot the past few days about my journey to fitness. The ups and downs, the fun, the struggles, my advancements and set backs. I can't believe Nationals marks 9 months. I've lost 20 pounds and 14% body fat, won a few trophies, then gained 13 lbs back, then lost it again, put on muscle, and ultimately changed my shape. If you have been following my progress and are wanting a change.... start now! The time flies. It's never easy...but it is so WORTH it! I read a quote the other day that said 'if you're tired of starting over...then quit giving up'. Once nationals is done, there are a few people I'd like to feature on my blog. They have great stories and have made major changes! Lots of people have inspired me along the way....
5 more workouts, and then a plane ride! Getting excited now....and bring on the butterflies!

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